Thursday, June 21, 2012

Color and the "N" word! 06/22 by Nothing Taboo with Sage Justice | Blog Talk Radio

Color and the "N" word! 06/22 by Nothing Taboo with Sage Justice | Blog Talk Radio goig to be talking about race relations!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nothing Taboo with Sage Justice

They just let Sage off his chain he has his own radio show now! "Nothing Taboo" is a show that talks about everything that they won't let you.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dark Forces

The company is working on a new script called Dark Forces and it will be a movie done by us. It has a paranormal type feel to it and should be a good watch! Stay tuned for updates!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 Here we come!!

The year 2012 is upon us and it plans to be a great year! With the projecst we have lined up we are ready for this new year. FloodCity: UnderGround will be filmed this year to start out this summer! Rev will be comming out with his cd on March 4th which is also his birthday! We will be expanding our compant by adding new execs as well stay tuned for that! We hope everyone had a great holiday and has a great new year!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jasmin Winston to Direct FloodCity: UnderGround!

FloodCity UnderGround will be about the rap music in Johnstown, Pa. The film will be produced by 2nd Floor Pictures. We have looked long and hard and Jasmin Winston from Pittsburgh Pa will direct the film! Jasmin is from Johnstown, Pa and has studied film at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. The film will start production the summer of 2012! We are excited to have Jasmin on borad for this project and can't wait to get started!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Facebook Challenge number 2

This weekend we will be going to Denver for a Facebook Challenge with Andre Roxx! We will look inside of his self made company and visit with some of his family and friends! Check out the page for more details!!!